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Thursday, June 30, 2011


We were so lucky to have beautiful weather on this shoot! Here in Wisconsin, we went from around 90 degrees down to 52 degrees in the week after this shoot. Believe me, I know first-hand how cold it was while sitting outside waiting for my kids during swimming lessons at an outdoor pool. The pool was heated, so it was all I could do to hold myself back from running up and sticking my feet in the pool! Talk about some crazy weather!

I had such a wonderful time on this shoot. Robyn is gorgeous, both inside and out. And what a fun bonus to be able to photograph her family as well (preview of that shoot coming soon). Good luck in your future endeavors, Robyn!


Anonymous July 29, 2011 at 6:45 PM  

I love the tennis!!!!! i should have done something with that or show choir!! you always come up with soo many fun ideas. .i love the shadow picture

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