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Monday, July 11, 2011

When did it all get so complicated?

Remember summers when you were a kid? Some of my best memories are summer-time as a little girl. I remember picking strawberries, carrots, tomatoes and onions in my grandparents garden. I remember catching fireflies at night, eating watermelon until my shirt was soaked, washing my bike with water and dish soap in the driveway, climbing trees, swinging on my swingset for what I thought were hours, picking flowers in the field behind my house, wading in the river, getting sprayed by my dad with the garden hose, catching frogs in window wells, helping my mom hang sheets out on the line to dry, exploring up and down streams, taking rides in the back of a pick-up truck, and walking down to the corner store to get candy. No cares in the world. be a kid again.

These photos of Ava (and her baby sister, in my next post) made those memories come flooding in! Hope you enjoy!


Anonymous July 29, 2011 at 6:43 PM  

OHhhh my gosh!! this has to be the cutest little girl i've ever met!!! :D her hair is so pretty!! and all the photos you got looks so calm and not posed!! i love it soo much that its so fun a playful

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