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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Contest Update

Wow, some of you have gotten pretty close to guessing what I secretly collect! I think the best guess so far was LeeAnn's guess of scarves, not because that's close, but because I do, in fact, have many scarves. The winner for most hilarious guess goes to Ernie for his guess of pictures of beaches, a guess you'd only fully understand if you saw the feature wall in my office in our new home. My mom and my best girl friend haven't even guessed correctly! I guess I'm just a mystery wrapped in an enigma-LOL!

I am going to extend the contest for one more week, and remember: the winner will receive a $50 gift certificate! To make it a little easier for you, I am adding a little photo hint:

 Good luck, everyone!!


Stephanie Herington August 5, 2011 at 6:52 AM  

What is that??!! Hair clips? Forks that are missing prongs?

RavenLark Arts August 8, 2011 at 2:11 PM  

I know I'm a day late, dollar short - that's the inset to a picture frame isn't it!?! You collect picture frames Miss Lady. (:

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