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Sunday, March 14, 2010

New Blog (and a sweet baby)

Well, as you can see, the Genesis Photography Blog has a new look! Nothing fancy, just larger images and a new layout. I am super excited about the change, and might even have more changes up my sleeve ; )

I have SO many sessions that I haven't even blogged yet, but I had to share this one first. I was so excited when mom showed me the little "pear" outfit she had gotten off of for this shoot, and the beautiful basket. Adorable! It is so fun when my clients are as excited as I am!

Meet little Ollie...

And of course we had to get a few of the BIG BROTHER!!


Unknown March 17, 2010 at 11:17 AM  

Love the new blog! The larger format really highlights the beauty of your photography. And of course, these photos are just absolutely awesome!

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