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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Memorial Weekend

I have been SO excited to share this set of photos with you! Over Memorial Day weekend we had the pleasure of having some dear friends visit. We took the opportunity to do a couple of photo shoots during their time here--a family shoot and what I am calling our "babies in the woods" (lol) shoot (which I will post later). We were pretty proud of ourselves for sticking it out through the rain to finish this session. It was worth it!

Thanks, Brian and Jen, for coming so far, for being such great people, and for introducing us to your little G.


Unknown June 8, 2010 at 3:11 PM  

These are awesome! What a fun shoot, and a great family! That Brian is just so photogenic...And I heard a rumor about a glamor shot of Jen that might be floating around out there somewhere...

Beautiful photos!

Jen Knox June 9, 2010 at 6:57 AM  

Grant - yes, I am still waiting for my glamour shot (-:

Jen, we are so completely thrilled with these, as you know! Wow, wow, wow. Thank you so much!!

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