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Thursday, April 28, 2011

CHS Class of 97

A few years ago, I saw a commercial and was CONVINCED that the woman on the commercial was someone I knew from high school. I even remembered her name. Every time the commercial would come on I would tell my husband "I am SURE that's her!" until finally, he decided to prove me wrong. It only took a few seconds of a Google search to find out that it was definitely not her.

I've lived in Eau Claire for 11 years now, and I often run in to people I know or see people I recognize. I am a visual person, so I can easily remember a face but I have a hard time with names.  Now, every time I see someone I think I know, my husband says, "I bet they're from your high school, right?"  (I should mention that my graduating class was about 80 people, so the chances of actually seeing someone from my high school is pretty slim.)

BUT--Lo and behold! Jessica (the mom in the photos below) IS actually someone I graduated high school with! It was really fun to reconnect with her and take pictures of her beautiful family. Now maybe my husband will think twice before he whips out the sarcasm! ;)


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