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Monday, July 26, 2010


That is the word I would use to best describe this shoot! Don't get me wrong, I love a cool breeze, but we are talking some SERIOUS wind on this shoot. We had to laugh at one point because it was so ridiculous! I had to snap a quick photo for an example of what the shoot could have turned out like:

But what the weather could have turned into a very frustrating shoot ended up being one of my all time favorites, mostly because Abby was so positive and energetic, and so willing to do whatever it took to get these beautiful shots. Thank you so much, Abby!

By the way, when I post my next blog entry, you may be thinking, "Woah, that Abby sure got the royal treatment, what with TWO shoots and all." But don't be fooled. It's her beautiful identical twin sister! How fun is that?!


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